Please fill out the form below to the best of your knowledge Name * First Name Last Name Email * Company Name Business Address Business Type * Pick One LLC S-Corp C-Corp Tell me about your business Industry and core services Yearly Gross Revenue How many years in business? Are you accrual or cash basis? Cash Accrual I don't know what this means How many transactions per month? If you have multiple accounts or cards, please select the total combined amount 1-100 100-500 500-1000 Over 1000 N/A Just Opened Do you use QuickBooks Online? Yes No What softwares do you use? * List all that apply (CRM, POS, Accounting, etc.) What Payroll service do you use? How many employees and contractors do you have? Do you carry inventory? Yes No Do you have an accountant? Yes No Provide a list of bank accounts and credit cards your business has: Include Bank/Financial Institution Did you file your 2023 Return? Or when was your last return filed? What are your financial goals? Thank you!